Steve Down author of Financially Fit For Life and CEO Financially Fit Africa patented cause capitalism to control its meaning in the marketplace. When a for-profit company partners with a non-profit organization not as a gimmick but as a true sustainable partner a cause for good is achieved.
Cause Capitalism addresses economic disparity by emphasizing on empowering the vulnerable, the marginalized, and the less fortunate in our communities. A socially rooted business model ensures any company’s social mission is in tandem with the community’s deep-rooted problems and tries to strike a balance in establishing potential solutions. Most non-profit organizations struggle with raising funds for their constituent programs, Steve Down argues that the easiest way to achieve sustainability is through partnerships that rely on Cause Capitalism as the driving force.
Leading by example, Steve Down’s For-Profit company partnered with The Goat Foundation- a community-based non-governmental organization that inspires hope by giving goats to widows, orphans, and the most vulnerable set of groups in Kenya. So far he has donated 100 goats that will be reared solely for commercial farming. By meeting the cost of the seed capital required for farming, Steve Down has ensured no family retires to bed hungry.
A thorough analysis of the needs of the rural Kenyan population indicated the popularity of goat farming. Over 80% of Kenya’s lands are classified as arid and semi-arid, goats survive easily in these climatic conditions. By donating a Billy and a nanny to households, the vulnerable families gain through continuous milk production and their offsprings will ensure a constant generation of income.
Cause Capitalism Works!