Kilifi is a county located in the North East of Mombasa Kenya, with a population of over 1.4 million, the region has the Giriamas’ being the largest occupants of kilifi. It’s main economic activity practice is agriculture and farming.
Around 78.5% of this population depends on agriculture as the main source of livelihood. Most of them own a few acres of land and depend on rain to grow their crops, making them extremely vulnerable to climate changes.
The Goat foundation settled on this region through the help of its Foundation representatives and assisted by the local representatives and community leaders within this region. Some vulnerable families were identified, and the Goat Foundation will be donating 200 goats to 100 of these households today.
In attendance were The Goat Foundation Founder and Financially Fit CEO Steve Down, Management Representatives and partners of the foundation. The gubernatorial aspirant Kilifi Engineer David Noti Kombe, MCA aspirant Mnarani ward Reverend Johnson Mwarema Mwanje, and the chairperson Umoja Summit Party Kilifi Stephen Saro.
The GOAT FOUNDATION has overtime helped several families especially widows across five counties in Kenya with a gift to help transform their lives and change their stories through giving them hope by giving them goats, and continues to do so.
A goat represents the power to provide a better life for these families. Owning livestock also transforms their money-making opportunities and allows them to diversify their diet. Goat milk is full of nutrients, which is crucial for young children living in impoverished conditions to help prevent malnutrition. But the most powerful benefit of all is the hope and joy a gift like this brings.
Sustainable development is something that the GOAT FOUNDATION is invested in, by aligning itself with the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS(SDG’s) 1,No Poverty and 2,Zero Hunger.
By providing goats, the goat foundation is providing help for today and hope for tomorrow. Help like this can be a stepping stone that allows the recipients to overcome the cycle of poverty.
Our vision is that such a small idea can put a dent in the hunger of Africa. This is The Goat Foundation — Giving hope by giving goats.