Wealth Secret #3: Service to Others Grows Wealth
By Steve Down
There is no shortage of how many ways we offer service to others. It intriguingly helps us find meaning, gauge our personal development and offer value.
It’s however unfortunate that our view of serving others is based on our unpleasant experiences from our past.
The negative results we get for our dedication to serving others, unrewarded sacrifice or exploitation has made us hesitant in describing ourselves as ‘servants’.
The negative results we get for our dedication to serving others, unrewarded sacrifice or exploitation has made us hesitant in describing ourselves as ‘servants’.
Using your skills, talents, resources and gifts to create solutions is part of the wealth mindset. Service can be seen in the context of providing solutions to problems that people have.
The value of the solution is what people choose to pay you for. Some of the values people willingly pay for include:
- Convenience
- Time
- Security
- Trust
- Comfort
You can easily note that those who serve others by providing them with solutions worth paying for. Serve people better than your competitors and you’ll become rich. Serve many people fast and you’ll get rich fast.
Those who speculate by trying to time the market without building value usually end up frustrated because no one can time it just right every time. Speculators must rely on luck. Examples abound with real estate speculators and stock market day-traders. Many end up broke. On the other hand, those who focus on serving others and building value in the marketplace don’t have to rely on luck. Their wealth is predictable.
A Serving Example
Mark Zuckerberg continues to create and grow wealth with a service that helps over 2 billion people. To put it in digits, 2,000,000,000 plus people use what he was able to create. Out of his Harvard dorm room, he discovered a simple idea that would provide a fun social networking platform. Through technology, Facebook first became viral among college campuses and then throughout the world. By serving over 2 billion people through Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg was a billionaire by age 23 and now, at 37, Forbes lists his net worth of $97 billion.
A central theme of my philosophy is: Wealth is not earned; rather, wealth is created. Once you learn the principles of wealth creation you can create wealth again and again. An important principle of wealth creation is this: Real sustainable wealth is built on a foundation of serving others.
To learn more about me, visit www.stevedown.com .
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